Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Times are a changing! When I first got into music, I bought tapes. The first tape I bought was Ace of Base. Then, when I was in elementary school, I bought my first CDs; Nirvanna and Off Spring. Purchasing music in plastic cases is dwindling, now EVERYTHING is digital. I download music, put it on my ipod and feel pretty cool when I walk around with white headphones in my ears.

I recently read an article in the January issue of WIRED by David Byrne. Radiohead recently put their latest album on the web, fans could download it and pay for it, if they wanted to. Isn't that crazy?? At first I was really suprised, but then I realized that this method is a great way to take control of the music industry. We are finding more artists who are promoting themselves though MySpace that have created, producted, written and play the music. It is a type of freedom from labels that is booming in the music industry. Now, artists can make more money because they do not have to pay for a labels work. In the WIRED article, they say that more than half the money from the sale of a CD goes to overhead and marketing, now with music being promoted by artists, those fees are no more. I urge you to read the article on Wired. http://www.wired.comIt is awesome.

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